

St. Vincent's Blount - Oneonta

St. Vincent's St. Clair - Pell City

MedPlex Surgical Center - Hoover

Southern Perioperative Services, P.C. is a provider of surgical and pain management anesthesia serving the greater Birmingham/central Alabama area.  Our team consisting of 15 Anesthesiologists, 20 full time Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, 3 full time Registered Nurses, and a substantial flexible part-time clinical staff provides surgical and pain management anesthesia and analgesia to patients visiting 7 health care facilities at 9 locations serving Jefferson, Blount, St. Clair, Shelby, and Tuscaloosa counties.  We welcome you to our home on the internet and are glad to answer any and all questions you may have regarding our company and/or services.

Contact Us:

Administrative Offices

Phone: (205) 795-3411

Fax: (855) 647-9621

Patients Notice of Privacy Practices

Tuscaloosa Surgical Center
St. Vincent's OneNineteen ASC

St. Vincent's Chilton - Clanton

Spine Group Alabama - Homewood

Dr. James P. Beretta, D.O. Clinic - Pelham

Our Mission

At Southern Perioperative Services, P.C. our mission is to provide our patients with the best quality of care throughout their visit including thorough pre-operative consultations, focused inter-operation monitored care, and comprehensive post-operative follow up evaluations and management.  We maintain that the attention our patients receive from their anesthesia team is paramount to ensuring a successful and satisfactory health care experience.